How are PSLE scores calculated

psle math tuition

Hello, dear parents and students! Today, we’re going to delve into the world of PSLE scores. Understanding how these scores are calculated can be a game-changer in your child’s academic journey. And if you’re considering PSLE math tuition for your child, you’re in the right place!

Understanding the PSLE Scoring System

The PSLE scoring system underwent a significant change in 2021. Instead of the previous T-score system, your child is now graded using Achievement Levels (ALs). Each subject is scored on a scale of AL1 (best) to AL8 (worst), and the total PSLE score is the sum of the four subject scores, ranging from 4 to 32.

psle al scoring table

This new system is designed to focus on your child’s understanding rather than their relative performance against peers. It’s a shift towards a more holistic and balanced educational approach. You can also access this calculator by the Ministry of Education to find out what scores you need and the various cutoff scores for secondary schools in 2022.

Want to help your child navigate this new system? Sign up for an account with PSLE Secrets today!

Implications of the New PSLE Scoring System

The new PSLE scoring system has several implications. Firstly, it reduces excessive competition among students, as the scores are no longer relative. Secondly, it encourages students to focus on their personal learning journey rather than comparing themselves with others. We have also seen the removal of mid year examinations or Semestral Examinations 1 in all primary schools to champion the personal learning cause.

You might have observed that the mark ranges for lower Achievement Levels (ALs) are broader than those for the higher ALs. The Ministry of Education (MOE) adopted this approach to minimize excessive differentiation. Since student scores tend to be more dispersed at the middle to lower ALs compared to the upper ALs, this broader range of marks is adequate to provide a reliable measure of a student’s comprehension.

However, this system also means that students need to have a solid understanding of each subject to score well. This is particularly true for PSLE Math, which can be challenging for many students. With the removal of mid year checkpoint examinations, parents like yourself can find it hard gauging the understanding of your child. This adds additional stress to your child and yourself.

PSLE Secrets organise mock mid year examinations for students who would like a check in on their current standing. For more information, you can sign up here to have the SA1 administered for your child.

Another important element to highlight would be the possibility of more students possessing the same scores. There are some ways where the schools use to determine which student will be accepted.

  • Singapore citizen > Singapore PR > International students
  • If you have indicated the same school as a higher priority compared to the other student.
  • In the last option, a computerised balloting will be used to determine who wins the tie-breaker.

The Role of PSLE Math Tuition

PSLE Math tuition can be a game-changer in your child’s academic journey. A good tuition program can help your child understand complex mathematical concepts, improve problem-solving skills, and build confidence. For some students, it may be as basic as the inability to understand the questions. Moving up the continuum, some students may struggle with identifying the right heuristics based on key words or even lack of exposure to new questions. In the exams, MOE teachers design some questions specifically to differentiate the AL1 from the AL2 grades, and we refer to these as GOLDEN questions.

At PSLE Secrets, we design our PSLE Math tuition to help students master the subject while having fun. Our experienced tutors provide personalized lessons, aligned with the Ministry of Education’s syllabus. This ensures that your child gets the attention and support they need. We also provide useful resources which your child can leverage on to further improve their studies.


Understanding the PSLE scoring system is crucial for planning your child’s academic journey. And if your child needs help with PSLE Math, remember that you’re not alone. PSLE Secrets is here to help!

Don’t wait! Sign up for an account with PSLE Secrets today and give your child the academic boost they need!